Saturday, July 23, 2011

Some funny and sweet Ari remarks...

Just a few little moments I don’t want to forget…

The other day Ari and I were snuggling after a nap. By the way, naps are a big deal around here. She only naps once or twice a month these days. I don’t push it because if she naps she is up until 11 p.m. But it sure is nice to get a little break to nap or get some computer time in!

Back to the day she napped, Ari and I had the following conversation:

Me: Do you know what my favorite thing to do is?

Ari: What?

Me: Hugging you. I love hugging you!

Ari: I love my neighbors!

Me: Thinking to myself. Thanks! WTF! I know she loves the neighbors and that’s great, but…!

Now a sweet story. Ari really wanted to have oatmeal before bed. We usually do quick snacks, but I figured oatmeal is healthy, so why not? I made her oatmeal and I sat with her at the dining table. We try to eat together as often as possible and she is so used to it that she does not like to sit alone at the table.

Ari: I really love you sitting with me, mommy. I love it.

Very simple, but it made my day! I feel like we love our sweet and super silly child more and more every day! It really does get better and better, we feel like.

What sweet or funny remarks have your little ones made recently?

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