Sunday, February 16, 2014

Very Overdue Update

So, way back when... I was pregnant with our second child and I was slowly getting crunchier, as we like to call it around here.

Fastforward to June 2013... Karina Elise was born on June 23, 2013. She weighed 6 lb 8 oz and was 20.5 inches tall. She was born at home. Yes, it was planned. Yes, we we were safe and accompanied by very experienced midwives. It was a beautiful experience, intense as every birth is. She took a while to join us Earthside. She was born at exactly 41 weeks. That being said, when she was ready to join us, there was no stopping her! We went for a walk at 12:30 p.m. and at 5:18 p.m. we had a baby! It all happened so fast my plans for a water birth went out the window.

Fastforward to today... Karina is almost eight months. She is a happy child. She squeals anytime she sees or hears her sister. Arianna loves her to pieces.

Karina has food sensitivities. That will be a whole other post. Food sensitivities, for me, have been a nightmare and a blessing in HUGE disguise. More on that another time.

Arianna is six years old. She is enjoying kinder garden. She is about to begin violin lessons. She is enjoying preparing salads for us, making her school lunch, among other cute and helpful things. Her favorite topic is "baby mustard." If you're reading my blog, you are likely a parent and you know what I'm talking about!

More later, maybe?!

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